for a sustainable water future

Hands-On Greywater Workshops/Conference: Simi Valley, Oakland – 10/21/17; Yosemite – 11/1-3/17

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Hands-on greywater workshop in Simi Valley 10/21/17.  Learn more here.


What: Localizing California Waters Conference

When:  Nov. 1-3, 2017

Where:  Rush Creek/Evergreen Lodge in Yosemite, CA

Details here:


Join us to convene on-site water organizations under one voice: California Onsite Water Association. At this intimate water reuse conference (focusing on rainwater, blackwater, greywater, and stormwater) professionals, designers, and policy advisers will work together to advance onsite water’s technical and policy future.


Stakeholders working in or on the integration and collaboration of onsite, distributed, and centralized systems.  Policy advisors, designers, professionals looking to create innovative BMPs, code adoption, policy advisement and evaluation feedback through collaboration.  Funding organizations interested in looking for input or participants in scalable resiliency water management projects/collaborations for California and the Western United States.  Watershed based management groups looking to collaborate with Water Management advisers to create resilient ecosystem services.

Key Invites:

Pisces Foundation, Water Foundation, California Governor’s Office of Planning Research, Wildlife Conservation Board, State Water Resources Control Board, Department of Water Resources, Department of Public Health, SFPUC, EBMUD, LADWP, Alliance for Water Efficiency, Central Coast Salmon Enhancement, Trout Unlimited, Cal Trout, SRF, The Water Institute, Occidental Arts and Ecology, Sierra Nevada Alliance, Sierra Nevada Conservancy, Trust for Public Lands, Sustainable Silicon Valley, Imperial Water District, Pasadena Water and Power, Recode Oregon, Water Reuse, Utah Onsite Water Association, IAPMO, UC Irvine Pire Group, California Department of General Services (Architect), California Directors of Environmental Health, Imagine H20, ACWA, Water Reuse, The Walton Family Foundation, Dean Witter Foundation, California Resource Conservation District Association (Director), CASQA, ARCSA, QWELL, WERS, Santa Rosa Alternative Working Group

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