CicLAvia Sunday, October 6, 2013 from 9am to 4pm, Heart of LA

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What:       CicLAvia
Where:     Heart of LA, downtown and extensions
When:      Sunday, October 6, 2013 from  9am to 4pm


More information:

To plan your CicLAvia activities for Sunday, October 6, go here:

CicLAvia: Heart of LA returns to the streets that started it all as we explore downtown Los Angeles on bike, foot, stroller and many more creative means of locomotion. The Heart of Los Angeles route follows in the footsteps of our first five events and helps Angelenos rediscover the origins of the City of Angels. Whether you’ve ridden these streets before or are new to CicLAvia, the Heart of LA route promises something new to discover.

CicLAvia makes the streets  safe for people to walk, skate, play and ride a bike. There are activities along the route. Shop owners and restaurants are encouraged to open their doors to people along the CicLAvia.

Ciclovías started in Bogotá, Colombia, over thirty years ago as a response to the congestion and pollution of city streets. Now they happen throughout Latin America and the United States.

Connecting communities and giving people a break from the stress of car traffic. The health benefits are immense. Ciclovías bring families outside of their homes to enjoy the streets, our largest public space. In Los Angeles we need CicLAvia more than ever. Our streets are congested with traffic, our air is polluted with toxic fumes, our children suffer from obesity and other health conditions caused by the scarcity of public space and safe, healthy transportation options. CicLAvia creates a temporary park for free, simply by removing cars from city streets. It creates a network of connections between our neighborhoods and businesses and parks with corridors filled with fun. We can’t wait to see you at CicLAvia!

Support CicLAvias by participating.  We can make it happen every week, and, perhaps, some day, every day!

CicLAvias got started in LA with former L.A. Eco-Villagers and bicycle activists Bobby Gadda and Adonia Lugo with the first ones organized by Joe Linton with support from the City of Los Angeles and our then Mayor Villaraigosa.




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