What: Your Final Footprint: An introduction to Environmentally-conscious after-death care,
funeral and disposition with Olivia Bareham
Where: L.A. Eco-Village, 117 Bimini Pl, Los Angeles 90004 (directions)
When: Friday, September 20, 2013 at 7:30 pm
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You recycle, you try not to use toxic products and you pay attention to how your lifestyle|
affects the environment. When you die you want to be assured that your final footprint is
in alignment with the integrity in which you lived your life. But is this possible? Please join
us for a lively, informative evening!
Topics covered will include:
- Traditional funeral industry practices
- Legalities and logistics for home-based, natural after-death care
- Embalming vs dry-ice
- Benefits of a family-directed home wake & funeral
- The case for “Green” burials
- High-Tech disposition alternatives
- Films & slide shows demonstrating the sacred beauty of home funerals and green burials
- Q & A
Refreshments will be served.
About Olivia:
Rev. Olivia Bareham is an ordained Minister of Healing. She holds bachelors degrees in Education and Natural Theology in Sacred Healing and is a certified Death Midwife. Olivia’s experience in the fields of auxiliary nursing, elder care and hospice volunteering inspired her to investigate a more meaningful and personal alternative to traditional funeral practices.
“At the event of death and for a few days following, there is a window of opportunity for great healing to occur. I noticed that when the funeral director stepped in to take over the closing ceremonies, very often this window silently, and permanently, closed. Families were left feeling empty and helpless, often with a feeling of incompleteness.”
In an effort to provide a way to keep this window open and facilitate the healing process, Olivia completed a course in Death Midwifery, resulting in certification as a Home Funeral Guide. She subsequently created Sacred Crossings with the mission of inspiring, educating and empowering families to reclaim the lost art and healing ritual of a Home Funeral.
Olivia is a writer, producer and public speaker – she serves on the Board of the National Home Funeral Alliance (www.homefuneralalliance.org) and Los Angeles Hospice at Anam Cara. (http://anamcarala.org) For more info on Olivia and her organization, Sacred Crossings, here:http://www.sacredcrossings.com
Fee for this event: $5 to $10 sliding scale
Reservations please: crsp@igc.org or 213/738-1254
More info on this topic below.
View our slide show of Home Funerals here…
Home Funerals by Sacred Crossings |
If you would like to be added to the mailing list for future events and workshops on this and related topics, please write to: sacredcrossings@gmail.com
To learn more about upcoming Death Midwifery workshops and classes, please contact Olivia at: 310-968-2763Thank you for forwarding this e-mail to friends and relatives who may be interested.