Rampart Village Neighborhood Council Meeting. 3rd Tue of each month at 6:00 pm.

What:     Rampart Village Neighborhood Council Meeting
Where:  155 No. Occidental Blvd., LA 90026 or via Zoom during Covid-19
                crisis.  Check website for agendas/details:  www.rvnc.org   
                Currently meetings are held on-line at

When:   Third Tuesday each month s at 6pm 

More information:  http://www.rvnc.org

The Rampart Village Neighborhood Council meets the 3rd Tuesday each month at 6 pm.  The 11 member Council frequently takes up issues of urban sustainability in the L.A. Eco-Village and adjacent neighborhoods.  This is a great opportunity to support more inner city sustainability initiatives.  You can join committees, give public input, run for the Board.  Not a citizen, no problem, your input is invited, and you CAN VOTE!


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