Diana Leafe Christian workshops in San Diego: Keynoter at West Coast Communities Conference 9/29-10/1; Starting an Ecovillage 10/7-9; Sociocracy 10/14-16
Dear friends and colleagues in Southern California,
This Save-the-Dates notice is about three events in the San Diego area. See below.
If you or people you know are interested in starting an intentional community, I’m doing a workshop on starting successful new communities on Oct. 7-9.
(1) “Starting a Successful Ecovillage or Intentional Community”
Sat-Sun-Mon, October 7-8-9 in the San Diego Area.
Early Bird Discount price is $250 until Oct 1st; it’s $350, the regular price, after that.
On Oct. 14-16 I’m also doing a workshop on Sociocracy, an especially effective governance and decision-making method I now highly recommend for intentional communities.
(2) “Sociocracy for Intentional Communities and Member-Led Groups”
Sat-Sun-Mon, October 14-15-16 also at Terra Corazon in San Diego County.
Early Bird Discount price is $250 until Oct 1st; $350, the regular price, after that.
The West Coast Communities Conference, Friday, Sept 29 – Sunday, Oct. 1 Conference will be held at Terra Madre Gardens, an ecologically sustainable event center (9928 Protea Gardens Rd, Escondido, CA).
About Diana Diana Leafe Christian is an author, former editor of Communities magazine, and an international speaker and workshop presenter on starting new ecovillages, on building communities, on sustainability and Sociocracy. She lives in an off-grid homestead at Earthaven Ecovillage in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, USA. Her popular books include “Creating a Life Together: Practical Tools for Forming Ecovillages and Intentional Communities” and “Finding Community: How to Join and Ecovillage or Intentional Community.”