Overview: Sociocracy for Ecovillages and Other Kinds of Intentional Communities – Sunday, March 18, 2018 from 4 to 6:30pm at L.A. Eco-Village

In Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Los Angeles Eco-Village


In a lively presentation with hands-on exercises, Diana Leafe Christian will present an overview of Sociocracy, an especially effective governance and decision-making method she now recommends highly instead of consensus for ecovillages and other kinds of intentional communities, because of the wonderful benefits. When used correctly, communities have experienced better meetings, getting more done, being better organized, and a stronger sense of connection between group members. This Sociocracy overview will give you a sense of what Sociocracy is and how it works. However, people learn how to _do_ this method and apply it in their community in a 3-day Sociocracy training, which Diana will do here May 19-21.


Sunday, March 18, 2018 from 4pm to 6:30pm

Los Angeles Eco-Village
117 Bimini Pl. – Community Room #201
Los Angeles 90004

$5 to $15 sliding scale


*Sociocracy (also called Dynamic Governance) is a system of governance using consent decision making and an organizational structure based on cybernetic principles (a system with closed feedback mechanisms). Sociocracy has been advocated as a management system that distributes leadership and power throughout the organization.

Watch for Diana’s three day Sociocracy workshop at L.A. Eco-Village, Sat-Sun-Mon,  May 19, 20, 21, 2018



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