I have a very special invitation to share with you. In 2016 I published a book in Colombia called “Re-Visión de Vida” (“Life Re-Vision: A Guide to Find your Path when you Lost Your Way; A Journey to Rediscover your Essence, Reinvent Yourself, and Renew your Future Vision”). I have been leading workshops on the topic since 2014 (I have done 20 so far). My invitation is to join me for the third version of this workshop in the USA in English. It will be 3 days of a deep dive into your life design, using a poetic yet practical method to clarify your identity and your purpose, learning from the past and visualizing a new future.
Register here.
Some Testamonials:
“This workshop really helped me to focus on and clarify my next steps in life. I have been in between jobs and phases of life, and have had a hard time committing to the next path. This workshop has left me with a vision for the next journey life has in store for me. The unique curriculum helped me draw from the inspiration of my past pursuits, realize places where I was being too self-critical, and get re-energized to work towards my mission of social change. I leave enthusiastic to embrace the next chapter of my life!” – Lorien MacAuley, PhD student
“The Life Re-Vision process offers a way for me to review my life lessons and essential qualities and to remember the important influences blowing in my life. It also offers a framework for putting all these pieces together and connecting them to areas in life – professions or hobbies I want to impact or are areas I need to occasionally inhabit to feel alive. It helps create a vision for how we can bring our whole self to the work that inspires us and others rather than fragments.” – Catherine Bukowski
Community Forestry consultant “Life Re-Vision is a powerful experience for fun, deep and insightful personal growth, while equipping participants with practical tools to envision and life that is fulfilling, meaningful, and connected with purpose, and that contributes to create a better world. I loved the experience. I felt that the space was conducive to breakthroughs and real time transformation. The space felt safe, and inviting. I felt re-energized and full of ideas. It really ignited my own creativity.”
– Luzette Jaimes, Leadership and Organizational Development – Ashoka
“Life Re-vision was the start of my transformation process. It’s amazing how dedicating two days to reflection, communion, and creativity can produce so many revelations and generate such a profound shift in ones personal journey. Anamaria has the amazing gift of being able to hold the space for great vulnerability and group learning. I attended the Life Re-Vision workshop a year ago, very uncertain about my career trajectory and dissatisfied with the state of my relationships. I left the workshop feeling an incredible sense of empowerment and a lingering desire to further develop my sense of self. Anamaria’s compassionate, soothing, and wise spirit enticed me to want to go further into the process of self-discovery with her. We worked together this past year and I can honestly say that it has been the best year of my life. Thinking about where I was a year prior, to where I am now, is just a world of a difference. I now feel incredibly fulfilled in my relationships and through our work found my first step in my career journey as a Peace Corps Volunteer. I owe my deep sense of confidence and excitement in this new adventure to my work with Ana. I am so grateful for having been a part of the Life-Revision workshop, being exposed to her beautiful framework, and guidance to trust the wisdom I hold within.”
– Ashley Benkhe, Peacecorp Volunteer