Youth Climate Strike LA is thrilled to host Greta Thunberg for a Climate Strike with youth climate leaders on the frontlines of California’s fossil-fueled climate emergency! Despite its green reputation, California remains one of the largest oil-producing states in the country. And while Los Angeles claims to be a global leader on climate change, there are very few cities on earth with so many active oil wells dangerously close to where people live, work and play. In neighborhoods like Wilmington and South Los Angeles — low-income communities of color already overburdened by pollution from freeways and other dirty industries — children and families experience disproportionately high rates of asthma and suffer from severe nosebleeds, headaches, reproductive harm, and headaches associated with a long list of toxic chemicals used in oil extraction.
Join Greta Thunberg and youth leaders from Los Angeles and across the state as we demand Governor Newsom and California’s elected leadership act immediately to roll out a 2,500-foot health and safety buffer, stop all new fossil fuel project permits, and drop existing oil production through a just and equitable transition!
A handful of fossil fuel industry executives are poisoning our communities and threatening our future— the time to act is now. Will you join us? Meet us at the West Steps of City Hall at 12 PM.
RSVP HERE: https://actionnetwork.org/events/fridays-for-future-strike-november-1-with-greta-thunberg