How to Start an Intentional Community – 5/8/20 from 1 to 3pm PDT on-line

virtual event for the public

Starting a community has never been more compelling than it is right now, in a time of crisis. This workshop draws on years of knowledge from community founders, and Yana’s own 23 years of cooperative living, including four community start-ups, to lay out the most important considerations for making a new community a success.

Blending practical advice with opportunities for self-reflection, this online workshop can help you set your feet on the right path for your group to thrive.

Topics will include:

  • the reasons to start a community… and not to
  • understanding the breadth of work and skills involved with a start-up
  • creating a good vision statement
  • what successful founders have in common
  • the relationship between decision-making, conflict resolution, and membership process
  • 15 spectrums that help define what kind of a community you are creating
  • social dynamics you need to know about
  • economic choices and their implication for sustainability and group cohesion
  • what you should– and shouldn’t– freak out about
  • key questions for making your community a sustainable one
  • balancing holding the vision with attracting new members

👉Please register even if you can’t attend the live workshop, you will receive a session recording to listen or watch anytime!

$28 U.S. Go here to register:

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