What: Booksigning and Evening Talk with Brad Lancaster
Where: L.A. Eco-Village (directions)
When: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 at 7:30 pm
author of
Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands
Turning Water Scarcity into Water Abundance; Vol.1, 2nd Edition
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
7:30 pm, $5 to $10 sliding scale (no one turned away)
Rainwater Harvesting expert Brad Lancaster returns to Los Angeles with his newly published 2nd Edition of his award winning, best selling book Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands; Turning Water Scarcity into Water Abundance, Vol. 1, 2nd Edition on Wednesday, June 26.
Brad’s books have always encouraged readers to turn water scarcity into water abundance by welcoming rain into our lives, landscapes and soils. In this newly updated 2nd edition, Brad updates real life case studies for harvesting rainwater, completely renovates the approach to seeing & understanding sediment flows, and adds more tools for harvesting rainwater and other often overlooked free on-site resources, such as wind, sun, and shade.
Rainwater harvesting is the process of capturing rain and making the most of it as close as possible to where it falls. By harvesting rainwater on the land within the soil and vegetation, or in cisterns that will later irrigate the land, it is possible to control erosion, reduce flooding, and minimize water pollution. This practice is enormously beneficial in a world with a finite supply of fresh water that is becoming increasingly polluted.
Although rainwater harvesting has been accomplished by humans in virtually every drought vulnerable region of the world for millennia, our society, until very recently with the help of people like Brad Lancaster, seemed to have a collective amnesia about the utility, efficiency, and beauty of rainwater harvesting practices.
Brad Lancaster is an author, permaculture teacher, designer & consultant, and co-founder of Desert Harvesters (DesertHarvesters.org). Brad has taught programs for the ECOSA Institute, Columbia University, University of Arizona, Prescott College, Audubon Expeditions, and many others. He has helped design integrated water harvesting and permaculture systems for homeowners and gardeners, including the Tucson Audubon Simpson Farm restoration site; the Milagro & Stone Curves co-housing projects. Brad lives on an eighth of an acre in downtown Tucson, Arizona, where annual rainfall is less than 12 inches. He practices what he preaches by harvesting over 100,000 gallons of rainwater a year, and with his brother Rodd, have created an oasis in the desert by directing harvested rainwater into a thriving landscape that includes abundant gardens, food bearing trees, and habitat for wildlife, instead of into the streets and storm drains of Tucson.
Event sponsors:
Los Angeles Eco-Village Collaborative:
CRSP Institute for Urban Eco-Villages, Urban Soil-Tierra Urbana Co-op,
Beverly-Vermont Community Land Trust, Greywater Action
Other SoCal events with Brad Lancaster:
Santa Barbara:
Tue, June 25, 2013 at 7:30pm, $5 donation
Santa Barbara Central Library, Faulkner Gallery
(805) 962-2571
San Diego
June 29,30 Rainwater & Greywater Workshop
hosted by the San Diego Sustainable Living Institute
More Info on Harvesting Rainwater:
Sweetwater Collaborative
We are the successor to the Santa Barbara Green Living Co-op and are now locally based.
Our legacy is putting in water harvesting projects using a barn raising model, in hands-on, community-based workshops.
Permaculture Credit Union
You Tubes:
Rainwater Harvesting with Brad Lancaster
Sustainable World Radio Podcast Brad Lancaster

(805) 962-2571
P.O. Box 92156, Santa Barbara, CA 93190
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