Thur., August 20, 2020 from 1:30 to 3pm PDT
“Building Community in the Great Uprising” – a free event with author, activist, educator Starhawk and Community Land Catalyst Cassandra Ferrera. More info and register here.
Fri & Sat, August 21-22, 2020
Municipal Green Building Conference and Expo. LA Ecovillage Institute Board members Lois Arkin and Gideon Susman will be panelists along with our BuroHappold and Perkins & Will colleagues Engineer Kathleen Hetrick, Architect Ashley Stoner and Designer Devika Tandon on “Los Angeles Ecovillage: A 2050 Model for Urban Sustainable Communities” – Live Stream Sat. 8/22 from 12:30 to 1:20pm PDT
Conference and Expo details and registration here
And be sure to visit our LAEV virtual booth up and running both days. Watch for details.
– CRSP is rebranding to the Los Angeles Ecovillage Institute (LAEVI) and we are seeking an Associate Director to work with Lois. If you or someone you know might be a fit, see the job description here and get in touch. This is our 40th Anniversary, so it’s about time.
– The LATCH Collective is preparing to donate a tiny house to L.A. Eco-Village which will be located on our commercial property at W. First St. and Bimini adjacent to our large multi-family apartment building. This may be the first of 10 tiny houses forming a small cohousing and/or and/or short stay hostel in the north end of the Los Angeles Eco-Village.
– Aquaponics System. We are still seeking expertise that can help us activate our system generously donated to LAEVI for an extended loan. Let us know of your interest. Lois 213/738-1254
– Rampart Village Neighborhood Council has openings on the Board
If you live or work or are associated with organizations in the area shown on this map (and that includes LA Eco-Village), consider running for the board. It’s easy. Just come to a meeting (they’re virtual now, of course) the third Tuesday each month at 6pm and announce your interest. See www.rvnc.org Democracy at the grassroots is more important now than ever!
Author: Lois
The Summer 2021 issue of “Communities Magazine” is out. The theme: “Ecological Culture”
“Communities Magazine” now approaching its 50th Anniversary is currently published by the Global Ecovillage Network – U.S. (GEN-US). The website provides a comprehensive index of articles and authors. Many articles are available on-line at no cost, with some no-cost digital supplements, as well. No matter what level of curiosity you have about intentional communities, ecovillages, cohousing, or shared housing, the pages of this resource rich magazine, whether the most recent issues or 10 or 20 years ago or more, you will find answers to your questions
Order your copy or subscribe here: https://www.gen-us.net/

“Examining White Supremacy in Intentional Community,” a virtual event Tue., July 7, 2020 PDT from 1 to 3pm sponsored by the Foundation for Intentional Community (FIC) plus other events in the FIC series
Examining White Supremacy in Intentional Community
July 7 @ 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM EDT virtual event for the public

Most intentional communities are predominantly if not entirely white. Even if this isn’t intentional, this isn’t an accident or coincidence. In this online workshop we’ll take a look at what white culture is, how it manifests as white supremacy within our communities, and share ideas and stories about how to affect meaningful change. This workshop is open to all participants but is geared towards white people.Find out more »
How to Find Intentional Community: the one that’s right for you
July 9 @ 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM EDT virtual event for the public

This online workshop is perfect for anyone who is dreaming about joining an intentional community and wants to get their search underway, with practical tools and guidance from FIC co-Director, Cynthia Tina. We’ll look at common types of communities and design your community wishlist.
All are welcome to join this beginners session!Find out more »
Conflict Resolution Basics: fight, flight, or opportunity?
July 16 @ 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM EDT virtual event for the public

This informative session will explore ways to address conflict and interpersonal tensions within communities… or any group that wants to work constructively with their feelings. The online learning session will be led by Laird Schaub, an early founder of FIC and with decades of intentional community living and consulting experience.Find out more »
Conscious Communication Skills
July 23 @ 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM EDT virtual event for the public

Interpersonal communication is the #1 skill needed to be able to thrive in an intentional community. Do you want to learn the essentials of conscious communication to be able to live and work with others productively? Strengthen your capacity for listening and speaking with compassion and clarity through challenging situations during this session with author, educator and intentional community founder, Miles Sherts.Find out more »
Branding & Marketing Your Intentional Community
July 30 @ 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM EDT virtual event for the public

Are you wanting to attract new members, gain program participants and fulfill the mission of your community, ecovillage, cohousing or permaculture project? Get ready to re-think whatever negative associations you have with branding and marketing! This workshop will guide you through the initial steps of developing an authentic brand, honing in your niche, and creating an outreach strategy. Find out more »
Diana Leafe Christian interviews LA Eco-Village founder Lois Arkin live on-line Friday, June 26, 2020 at 3 to 4:30 pm PDT
Sponsored by Ecovillage Voice, a new international resource for ecovillages, including:
– News
– Blog
– Magazine
– Webinars
– Podcasts
– Projects
Register here
More about Diana and Lois here.

Have you and your neighbors, friends, family been counted in the 2020 census? Learn more via Zoom Sat., June 27, 2020 at 10:30am

Creating Diverse Intentional Communities – June 23, 2020 from 1 to 3pm PDT – virtual event
Learn the essentials of how to create diverse, inclusive and thriving communities with Crystal Farmer, educator, writer and active member of both cohousing and polyamorous communities. This session is ideal for anyone who is thinking about starting an intentional community or is currently living in one.
About this Workshop
As someone interested in intentional communities, you want to welcome people from all walks of life, but how do you do it? Where do you find them? In this interactive workshop, we’ll discuss some of the obstacles to recruiting people of different backgrounds. Whether you are a community leader or an interested seeker, this workshop will help you lay the foundation for a diverse and inclusive community.
Key points to be covered:
- The basics of implicit bias and microaggressions
- Practical tips for reaching out to people from different backgrounds
- Ideas on how to resolve conflicts dealing with identity (maybe) an understanding on how housing segregation affects intentional communities

About Crystal:
Crystal Byrd Farmer is a North Carolina native active in the cohousing and polyamorous communities. An engineer turned educator, she speaks and writes about ways communities can be more welcoming to people of all kinds of backgrounds. Crystal is the website editor for Black & Poly, an organization promoting healthy polyamorous relationships for people of color. She also serves on the Editorial Review Board of Communities Magazine published by the Global Ecovillage Network-United States. Her book The Token: Common Sense Ideas for Increasing Diversity in Your Organization will be published in late 2020. Crystal is passionate about encouraging people to change their perspectives on diversity, relationships, and the world.+ GOOGLE CALENDAR+ ICAL EXPORT
👉Register to receive a recording that you can listen or watch anytime, even if you can’t attend the live session!
Register to Join on June 23rd from 1 to 3pm PDT
GO HERE TO REGISTER: https://www.ic.org/event/diverse-communities/
Community Connect Call June 12 @ 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM PDT, virtual event for FIC Members and Communities .
FIC Members and residents of Communities listed in our Directory are warmly welcome to join our free monthly Community Connect online gathering. Not yet a FIC Member? Become a member at ic.org/membership.
For our June event, we will create a ‘needs and offers virtual exchange’ for participants. Let’s share resources and skills amongst our network!
Community Connect is a fun, informative, free, virtual mini-conference and online celebration for people who love intentional community. Imagine the most fun community meeting you have ever attended (a potluck meal, rounds consensus… whatever’s your fancy). Now imagine the same thing happening online with communitarians across the continent, and even the world! Possible? We think so! This online event is an opportunity for communitarians to meet each other, share knowledge, news, and projects, and have fun. It’s something between a virtual mini conference and a sweet evening in the common house. There will be opportunities for you to share about your project, community-themed games, networking activities, and super secret surprises.
Ready to connect? Register to join the June 12th event here
(You’ll receive the recording even if you can’t attend the live event, so please sign-up!)
Sponsored by the Foundation for Intentional Community: ic.org
Intentional Community Economics – June 9, 2020 from 1pm-3pm PDT, virtual event
zoom – virtual event

Join this timely and relevant session on intentional community economics to learn strategies for jump starting local economies, designing economic systems into the founding documents for intentional communities, income alternatives and exchange mechanisms that can keep people meeting their basic needs even in hard times.
Here’s how we can create local economies that work for everyone!
Sliding scale registration starting at $5.00
Find out more and register here
Sponsored by the Foundation for Intentional Community: www.ic.org
How to Start an Intentional Community June 2, 2020 @ 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM PDT , virtual event for the public with Yana Ludwig
Workshop back by popular demand! Join us on June 2nd at 1-3pm PDT
Starting a community has never been more compelling than it is right now, in a time of crisis. This workshop draws on years of knowledge from community founders, and Yana’s own 23 years of cooperative living, including four community start-ups, to lay out the most important considerations for making a new community a success.
Blending practical advice with opportunities for self-reflection, this online workshop can help you set your feet on the right path for your group to thrive.
Sliding scale fee.
Go here for details and registration:
Event sponsored by the Foundation for Intentional Community: ic.org
Elders and Intentional Community – May 27, 2020 @ 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM PDT on-line
Join us on May 27th at 1pm-3pm PDT (See your local time)
Are you an elder seeking more community? Considering joining a senior cohousing or an inter-generational community? Have questions about aging in community? This session is designed with you in mind! Join us for an interactive session featuring leaders in the movement and residents of senior-inclusive intentional communities.
Takeaways will include:
– Get resources and advice specifically useful for elders wanting to join an intentional community
– View virtual mini-tours of a few senior-focused communities
– Ask questions and get answers from intentional community experts
– Meet and share with fellow community seekers in breakout groups
👉Register even if you can’t attend the live session to receive a recording that you can listen or watch anytime!
SPONSORED BY: Foundation for Intentional Community www.ic.org