past events
Starting a community has never been more compelling than it is right now, in a time of crisis. This workshop draws on years of knowledge from community founders, and Yana’s own 23 years of cooperative living, including four community start-ups, to lay out the most important considerations for making a new community a success.
Blending practical advice with opportunities for self-reflection, this online workshop can help you set your feet on the right path for your group to thrive.
👉Please register even if you can’t attend the live workshop, you will receive a session recording to listen or watch anytime!
$28 U.S. Go here to register:
People across California and across the country are fighting for more political representation than offered by the two-party duopoly.
How can we get to a multi-party democracy? What does the experience of the Green Party in the U.S. and around the world tell us about this challenge? How would politics in California and the United States be different under a multi-party democracy, that included proportional representation, ranked choice voting and public financing of elections?
Date and time:
Friday, April 10, 2020
*Veggie potluck: 6:30pm to 7:30pm
Mike’s talk, Q&A: 7:30pm to 9:30pm
* Please bring your own eating ware and minimize plastics to make this a zero waste event.
Songs in L.A. Eco-Village
3554 W. First St. (enter on Bimini Pl)
Los Angeles 90004
$5 to $10 (sliding scale, no one turned away)
Reservations please:
crsp@igc.org or 213-738-1254
About Mike Feinstein
Between 1996 and 2004 Mike was elected to the City Council of Santa Monica, and served a term as Mayor. Mike was also active on a number of committees with the Southern California Association of Governments, including Energy & Environment, Growth Visioning Task Force, Regional Comprehensive Plan Task Force and Integrated Policy Task Force, as well as the Westside Council of Governments, Local Government Commission, California League of Cities, National League of Cities, U.S. Conference of Mayors and International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI).
Active in Green politics, from the local to the international, for nearly 30 years, Mike also founded the national Green newspaper, Green Pages, published a number of papers and co-hosted “Green Perspectives” on Pacifica’s KPFK.
More details on Mike’s activities here
and here: www.feinstein4sos.org/issues
Nance Klehm is an ecological systems designer who has worked to heal degraded soil around the world, from her home neighborhood of Little Village, Chicago to the rain forests of Ecuador. Timebankers Kelly Coyne and Erik Knutzen have booked her to give this FREE talk.
Nance will talk about the deep connection between soil health and social justice, and the importance of healthy soil in troubled times along with the connection between the health of our soil and our own health and the health of our communities.
Following the talk, you can join her for an optional workshop on vermicomposting—you will go home with your own worm bin. Lecture is free, but the worm-bin is $30, and you must preregister so we can provide your materials. Financial aid available.
When: Sunday March 8, 2020 12:30 PM
Where: St. John’s Cathedral, 514 W. Adams Blvd, Los Angeles 90007
More info
Questions: churchoffice@stjohnsla.org
Reservations please via Eventbrite
Date & Time: Sunday, March 8, 12:30PM
St. John’s Cathedral
514 W. Adams Blvd.
Los Angeles 90007
Registration: churchoffice@stjohnsla.org
It’s here! All-member veggie potluck! Open to all. Sat., Feb. 22, 1:30PM. Hosted by the Koreatown Time Bank at Songs Hall, Los Angeles Eco-Village, 3554 W First St, Los Angeles 90004. Enter on Bimini Place.
P-L-E-A-S-E Help make this a zero waste event: Bring your own eating ware. Minimize plastics.
This potluck has been especially arranged to welcome Team TimeTrio: three students of the social welfare department at Sungkonghoe University in Seoul, South Korea. They will be visiting Los Angeles to research timebanking and will be touring LAEV immediately prior to the potluck!
Free event.
More info on TimeBanking here:
Phone: (213) 973-2265 Email: hourworldtemp@gmail.com
Join us for our 2020 Collective Impact speaker series. We’re tackling subjects from the climate crisis, resilience, health and wellness, and diversity and inclusion to equity, economy and environment and much more. We’ve assembled forward-thinking thought leaders for a discussion on our collective impact on Los Angeles and beyond. Join us, offer your insights, and be part of the conversation to move us forward collectively.
Speakers include:
MUD BARON, Flowers on Your Head
SAMANTHA BODE, Filmmaker, The Longest Straw
AMANDA GROSSMA, City of Santa Monica
NICK KARNO, Climate Cents
ANDY MANNLE, Promise Energy
ERIK NARHI, BuroHappold
TULSI PATEL, Estolano Advisors
AUDREY SATO, Sato Architects
Register here
Event held at:
BuroHappold Engineering 800 Wilshire Blvd, 16th Floor (no validated parking. One block from 7th St. Metro!) , Downtown Los Angeles
In collaboration with: L.A. Eco-Village and many other organizations. Learn about them here plus fancier viewing.
SO SORRY TO INFORM YOU THAT THIS EVENT IS CANCELLED DUE TO CAUTION REGARDING COVID-19. We will be informing you of other opportunities to hear from Kosha via videos.
Kosha introduces the Global Ecovillage Network’s (GEN) work in catalyzing the power of community to inspire governments around the world to include Ecovillage Development Programs in their strategies for implementing the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals and Climate Agreements. Together, we can explore how Los Angeles can be more fully and effectively involved in this movement.
Date & Time:
Monday, March 16, 2020
5:30 to 6:30 pm: Veggie potluck (zero waste event; please bring your own
eating ware)
6:30 to 8:30pm: Talk, Q&A, discussion with Kosha
3554 W. First Street at Bimini Place (enter on Bimini)
Songs in the north end of L.A. Eco-Village
Los Angeles 90004
Please note: If it is raining, we will meet next door
at 117 Bimini Place in the Lobby
$5 to $20 sliding scale
Reservations Please:
213-738-1254 or crsp@igc.org
About Kosha
Kosha Joubert, MSc, Executive Director of the Global Ecovillage Network, has many years of experience as an international facilitator, trainer, and consultant and has worked extensively in the fields of community empowerment, intercultural collaboration and sustainable development. Kosha grew up in South Africa under Apartheid and has been dedicated to building bridges across divides ever since. She has lived in ecovillages for the past 25 years. Kosha is also a co-founder of Gaia Education, which develops trainings at the cutting-edge of sustainability, and co-author of the internationally applied curriculum of the Ecovillage Design Education. In 2016, Kosha received the Dadi Janki Award – 100 Women of Spirit – For engaging spirituality in life and work and for making a difference in the world.
More info on Kosha’s U.S. Tour here: https://ecovillage.org/ustour2020/
More info on the Global Ecovillage Network: www.ecovillage.org
Yes! There was a streetcar on Bimini. Where did it come from? Where did it go? When is it coming back? Hear all about it at this special event at Songs in L.A. Eco-Village with Ralph Cantos.
Ralph Cantos is an L.A. Transit historian and retired employee of the RTD, the name of our Los Angeles transportation system before it was re-named “Metro.”
Date and time: Sunday, February 16, 2020 from 5:30 to 8:00 pm:
5:30 to 6:30pm. – Veggie snacks and socializing/networking.
This is a zero waste event. Please minimize plastics.
6:30pm – 8:00pm – Talk, Q&A, discussion
Songs at L.A. Eco-Village
3554 West First Street at Bimini Place (enter on Bimini).
Los Angeles 90004
Reservations please:
crsp@igc.org or 213-738-1254
Free but donations are always welcome.
Songs at L.A. Eco-Village
3554 West First Street at Bimini Place (enter on Bimini).
Los Angeles 90004
Reservations please:
crsp@igc.org or 213-738-1254
Free but donations are always welcome.